Le Prophete Royal David

Engraved : Jan Van Haelbeck  ( 15 ? - 1630 )

Flemish School of the 17th century

The Iconography of King David it is one of the most frequent biblical representations in the history of art, born around 1040 A.C. He was de second king of Israel sucessor to his brother Saul, named King by the old testament prophet Samuel.

La iconografía del Rey David es una de las representaciones bíblicas mas frecuentes en la historia del arte, nacido alrededor del año 1040 A.C. fue el segundo rey de Israel, sucesor de su hermano Saul y nombrado Rey por el profeta del antiguo testamento Samuel.

King David

French School of the 17th - 18th Century

Saul was not a prudent king, he disobeyed the prophet Samuel on several ocassions, he rebelled against his authority and the commandments of God, after he failer again in his confrontation against the Amalekites Samuel decided to anoint David as king, who had already demostrated his bravery by defeating Goliath with a sling, according to the biblical narrative Goliath was a giant belonging to the Felisteo army who besieged the army of Israel for forty days.

Samuel 15:30  " ,,,from then on the spirit of Yahveh came upon David... "

Saul no fue un Rey prudente, desobedeció en varias ocasiones a Samuel, se rebelo contra su autoridad y los mandamientos de Dios, luego de que volviera a fallar en su enfrentamiento contra los amalequitas, Samuel decidió ungir como Rey a David, que ya habia demostrado su valentía al derrotar a Goliath con una honda, conforme a la narración bíblica Goliath fue un gigante perteneciente al ejercito Filisteo que asedio durante cuarenta días a los ejercitos de Israel.

Samuel 15:30  " ... a partir de entonces vino sobre David el espiritu de Yahveh... "

El Ángel se apareció a David

Engraved: Pierre Leroy  ( 16 ? - 17 ? )

French School of the 18th century

King David was a poet, pastor, musician and warrior, his long reing of more than forty years was fair. His good work earned him the admiration of his people and some of the main monotheistic religions. He was succeeded by his son Salomon by lineage.

El Rey David fue poeta, pastor músico y guerrero, su largo reinado de mas de cuarenta años fue justo, su buen hacer le valió la admiración de su pueblo y de algunas de las principales religiones monoteístas, le sucedió por herencia dinástica su hijo Salomón.


Engraved: Pierre Mariette  ( 1603 - 1653 )

French School of the 17th Century

The figure of King David has inspired numerous artistic representations since ancient times. We can find his iconology in friezes, sculptures, medieval icons, miniatures, painting and engravings among others. One of the most representative attributes of King David and with wich he is represented is a harp, lyre or cytar, where legend has it that his music connected the earthly world with the celestial world.

Samuel 16:17-23
"  ...It happened that wen the evil spirit fron God came to Saul, David took the harp, played it with his hand and Saul calmed down and became well, and the evil spirit departed from him... "

La figura del Rey David ha inspirado numerosas representaciones artísticas, su iconologia se encuentra en frisos, esculturas, miniaturas medievales, pinturas y grabados entre otros. Se le acostumbra a representar con una arpa, lira o cítara donde cuenta la leyenda que sus cuerdas y sonidos conectaban el mundo terrenal con el celestial.

1 Samuel 16:17 - 23 
" ... sucedió que cuando el espiritu malo por parte de Dios venía a Saul, David tomana el arpa. la tocaba con su mano y Saul se calmaba y se ponia bien, y el espiritu malo se apartaba de el ... "

La Santisima Trinidad

Pierre Landry  ( 1630? - 1701 )

17th century, French School

King David

18th Century, French School

The anoithing of King David

16rh century engraving, German School
